Sunday, May 24, 2009

Plaid Shorts, Croquet, a Picnic and Cookies... Nothin' Better

 Alex and my sister Emily have had this ongoing joke about going on a date forever now, and it actually happened! It is only the second time we have been on a double together, and it was so much fun! I don't think I stopped laughing the whole time. Typical. We started the date with a picnic. 
Next, we had an awesome game of croquet. Of course, Shawn and I dominated. Notice the awesome shorts we all have. 

Next we had a contest with giant cookies. Bet you couldn't guess what we wanted to make... thats right, a palmtree!
Alex and Emily's was pretty awesome too! Nice fruit combinations! : )
My dad was the judge and he said it was a tie. But when mom got home, she said Shawn and I won. So clearly, we won for the second time that night!

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